تسريع الويندوز وتسريع النت بسرعة كبيرة مع الشرح TweakBit PCSpeedUp

TweakBit PCSpeedUp هو أداة قوية لتسريع أداء أي جهاز كمبيوتر عن طريق القضاء على أسباب التباطؤ، وتحسين استهلاك الموارد في الوقت الحقيقي، وتسريع الاتصال بالإنترنت وتلقائيا حماية سرعة تشغيل سريع باستمرار. يقوم البرنامج بتحليل إعدادات ويندوز لتحقق مما إذا كانت تناسب نمط استخدام الخاص بك، ثم قرص هذه الإعدادات للقضاء على الاختناقات المحتملة وضمان سرعة قصوى. وسوف إلغاء تجزئة الأقراص الصلبة الخاصة بك لاستعادة الكفاءة وتنظيف سجل ويندوز الخاص بك للتخلص من مفاتيح الفاسدة والتي عفا عليها الزمن. سوف PCSpeedUp أيضا تحليل وتحسين إعدادات اتصال الإنترنت الخاص بك حتى تتمكن من تصفح مواقع الإنترنت وتحميل الملفات بشكل أسرع.

شرح فيديو 

TweakBit PCSpeedUp is a powerful tool to accelerate any computer's performance by eliminating slowdown causes, optimizing resource consumption in real time, speeding up Internet connection and automatically protecting speed for consistently fast operation. The software will analyze Windows settings to check if they fit your usage style, and then tweak these settings to eliminate potential bottlenecks and ensure top speed. It will defragment your hard drives to restore efficiency and clean your Windows registry to get rid of corrupt and obsolete keys. PCSpeedUp will also analyze and optimize your Internet connection settings so you can browse the web and download files faster. 

DIAGNOSES your Windows system
Since diagnosis is half the cure. PCSpeedUp runs a comprehensive checkup on your system and detects every issue that may be slowing it down. We have developed powerful scanners that zero in on registry errors, fragmentation, incorrect system or Internet settings and other speed thieves for a precise verdict.

IMPROVES computer speed
Everything on your PC will work faster. PCSpeedUp defragments your hard drive, cleans up the registry, tweaks system and Internet settings, and speeds up system shutdown to make your PC visibly faster. We made this software to bring you real results, so that you can enjoy things happening at a faster pace. Guaranteed.

SAFEGUARDS system performance
Add an extra speed boost for real-time effect. We included automatic tools you can enable to keep your PC running at optimal speed. They keep your memory and CPU consumption optimized for current tasks, help your files open and save faster thanks to live disk management, and reduce computer shutdown time.

What's New :
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

TweakBit PCSpeedUp | 8.31 Mb

ESET Smart Security Keys

هذه  السريالات الخاصة بالبرنامج  سريالات شغاله  100 % 100      

Username: EAV-0127697187
Password: kvj22ppa5r
Expiry Date: 20.01.2015
Username: EAV-0126295644
Password: 64p7nh4xx3
Expiry Date: 13.03.2015
Username: EAV-0127097399
Password: 3hhh3r7s7f
Expiry Date: 14.03.2015
Username: EAV-0127221897
Password: dhtha2rab3
Expiry Date: 15.03.2015
Username: EAV-0127322423
Password: ndrm6dj5mj
Expiry Date: 16.03.2015
Username: EAV-0127484631
Password: s8dpvs79ed
Expiry Date: 18.03.2015
Username: EAV-0127491019
Password: 7ja3emtm96
Expiry Date: 18.03.2015
Username: EAV-0127491044
Password: cub3b73vu6
Expiry Date: 18.03.2015
Username: EAV-0127629722
Password: fkksjaccna
Expiry Date: 20.03.2015
Username: EAV-0127676382
Password: xc3vf78u2v
Expiry Date: 21.03.2015
Username: TRIAL-0127930354
Password: 569kxferrn
Expiry Date: 22.03.2015
Username: TRIAL-0127930373
Password: ktpmr8eakn
Expiry Date: 22.03.2015
Username: TRIAL-0127930383
Password: vd2s6ffur9
Expiry Date: 22.03.2015